Take 1 pair of hand knit wool socks

Add one pair of snow boots

Add: long johns, track pants, snow pants, 4 tops, hoodie, down vest, MEC jacket, scarf, hat, mitts and 1/2 tub Vaseline smeared on my face
mix with one kick-ass snow storm
add one happy dog

[note: I'm escaping this freezing cold weather in early February for about a month! The shop http://www,acornstudios.ca will be closed during this time. Just a heads up to order asap if you'd like any geekware shipped before I leave]
Oooohhh Nicola, you're hilarious! It's a good thing you've got Kitt to keep you company on these cold days! Otherwise you'd just be stuck inside all day, cuz it's too cold to go out! (Apparently it hit -62 this morning in St. Albert! The schools were closed and school buses were not running!)
-62?? Seriously?? My friend took the bus this morning in Edmonton and it was -46C. I didn't know it was THAT cold in St Albert. Did you go out at all?
Kitt is currently fast asleep on our bed...I want to keep him :)
Appreciate your time taken to create this great post, thanks a ton.Android Application Development
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