
Look! I cooked a proper meal

I am not known for my cooking skills. In fact, my idea of 'home cooking' is cutting up some vegetables and putting them ontop of a frozen pizza. Or a microwaved potato with beans on top.

But, inspired by Amanda Woodward, I've decided I want to cook more healthy meals this year, from scratch!

Here I present to you, dear geekware readers, my vegetarian lasagna:

It is so tasty that I'm definitely going to make it again once I've eaten my way though this massive one.

I don't 'do' recipes, but I included in random order:

  • 3 bags of frozen tomato cubes from our garden
  • organic green (?) coloured lasagna
  • 2 bags of mixed greens cubes (spinach, bok choi, mustard) from our garden
  • a frozen packet of Alfredo sauce from 2006 (blame Tiffany Tomato's mom)
  • and lots of other vegetables, oh and some dried soya stuff I found in the cupboard


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