
Want to come to an E-Waste Seminar?

I've been invited to show off my GEEKWARE at an e-waste seminar next week! Why don't you come and join me? Registration deadline is Monday. I wonder if they will let me join in for the tour - that would be really exciting!

Here's the info:

E-Waste Recycling in Alberta
Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2008
Location: Wastewater Research & Training Centre, Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant, 10977 - 50 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Cost: $75.00
Description: In 1999, Canadians disposed of 34,000 tonnes of electronics waste. The estimate for 2005 was 67,000 (Environment Canada). The proliferation of e-waste and the debate over its end-of-life management have made it a "hot topic" in environmental and waste management circles.

In recent years, many jurisdictions in North America have enacted e-waste recycling legislation. Alberta’s electronics recycling program was the first of its kind in Canada.

At the same time, manufacturers have begun to recognize their responsibility to "design for the environment" and so electronics are becoming more eco-friendly and ultimately recyclable. A new industry is developing to provide the technology and capacity to effectively recycle e-waste.

This seminar will feature speakers from all of these perspectives. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the developing e-waste recycling industry and the challenges and opportunities that it brings. Alberta’s recycling program and its e-waste industry will also be featured, with a special tour of the just-opened e-waste processing facility operated by Global Electric Electronic Processing (GEEP) Alberta Inc.

Seminar Program:
8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration & Coffee
9:00 am – 9:15 am Opening Remarks
9:15 am – 9:45 am E-Waste and the Environment: What are the Issues
9:50 am – 10:20 am - Industry Action on E-Waste
10:20 am – 10:50 am Coffee/Networking
10:50 am – 11:20 am Alberta’s E-Waste Recycling Program
11:20 am – 11:50 am Collecting E-Waste in Alberta: Municipal Perspective
11:50 am – 1:00 pm Lunch/Networking
1:15 pm – 1.45 pm E-waste Processing: The GEEP Approach
2:15 pm – 4:15 pm Tour of the GEEP Facility

For more information and to register:

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